web application
.ini is the file extension for initialization files. These files are used to store configuration settings for various programs, including operating systems, applications, and web servers. The format of a .ini file is simple and easy to read, with sections and properties separated by equal signs (=). A .ini file typically consists of sections, which are […]
What React JS? Simply from the Official website, React JS is “a javascript library for building user interfaces”. React JS is developed by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React JS is widely used as a base in building single-page web applications. React JS allows users to create reusable UI components. Features of React JS Virtual Document […]
Why to use cache in a web application? We know that the dynamic data received on web application is an extension to the static websites, which used to serve only static file over HTTP protocol. When we send dynamic web page each time a user requests, the server does lot of computation in generation of […]